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Military Discounts for Surf Lessons

Thank you for your service!

Stoke Drift Surf Schools is adjacent to Fort DeRussy Beach Park and the Hale Koa Hotel — institutions catering to Department of Defense service members and veterans.

We’re so happy to offer special rates for active and retired service members — and their immediate family members.

Immediate family includes children, siblings, parents, and spouses. It does not include friends, or extended family like grandchildren, nieces and nephews, or cousins.

How to Get a Military Discount.

Step 1) Simply fill out the form below and we’ll invoice you a discounted rate.

Step 2) You MUST bring a physical CAT card on the day of the lesson to authenticate your active or retired status. This requirement is mandatory and aims to prevent stolen valor.

Agreement to Terms of Discount

By agreeing below you acknowledge that you understand the following conditions:

  1. This discount is only available to active service members or veterans.
  2. This discount can only be applied to yourself or your immediate family (not extended family or friends).
  3. You MUST present an official DOD identification card at check-in or you will be asked to pay the difference on the normal rate. 
  4. No refunds will be offered for customers who do not bring an identification card.


Feel free to contact us here with any questions.